2011年9月24日 星期六

Acer Iconia smart s300 取得root權限

2011.9.24 照著 xda http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17779482 這篇文章來做,即可取得root權限

Hi a friend of mine took the time to adapt CWM recovery for the newly released Acer Iconia Smart. I'm sharing that with you as well as an easy tutorial to root your device.

I hope it will help some people.

It's not a one-click method but it remains quite easy if you carefully follow the steps. Just be careful and nothing wrong should happen (the operation is not risk free though).

What you need :
  修改s300 設定-->應用程式-->開發-->將usb偵錯打勾
I- Install the driver
Unless you have already done it.
安裝s300 驅動程式(此時s300不與pc連接)
II- Install a custom recovert menu
  • Plug your Iconia Smart to your PC.接上s300與pc連接
  • Unpack the zip file containing the recovery and superuser. 解壓縮下載的root工具(解在pc端即可)
  • Exexcute install_recovery.cmd and just follow the steps. 執行解壓縮後的 install_recovery.cmd

III- Prepare to root
        關閉debug mode!再往下執行
  • Once your phone has rebooted copy the su- file to your sdcard. 執行 install_recovery.cmd 後s300會重新開機 ,然後將 su- 拷貝到sdcard(但忘了是拷貝到另外購買的sdcard上,還是s300內建的記憶體上,可以兩個都copy,應該是另外購買的sdcard!!)
  • Switch off your phone 將s300關機
  • Switch it back on while pressing [vol+], [focus] and power. Keep pressing the buttons until you're in the recovery (yellow text on black screen)
    (You get "focus" by half pressing the camera button. 按住音量+,拍照鈕(按一半就好(對焦))與電源不放,直到進入recovery mode! 

To navigate in the recovery menu use vol keys to go up and down, camera to validate and < to go back.
  • click on "install zip from sdcard"  選install zip from sdcard
  • then on "choose zip form sdcard" 再選choose zip form sdcard
  • select the file "su-" that you just copied on your SDcard
  • validate and let it run. 找到su-並執行 , 螢幕好像會跑一些東西(忘了,就讓他跑!)

Once done go back to the home screen using [<] and click on "reboot system now". 選 "<" 回主畫面,選reboot system now , 完工!s300會重新開機, 在程式清單內應該可以看到一個superuser的圖示,就可以試試需root權限的app囉!

Your phone will reboot and you should have root. Just check if you see a superuser icon in the applications and try to use an app that require root.
後記: 之後superuser app 經過多次修改,導致無法正常控管root權限,只要在market 將superuser解除安裝,就會恢復最原始root後的版本,這樣就可以正常使用root的權限與功能了! 2011.10.29
後來發現,就算降回舊版,也一樣會有問題!只要不記憶root app,讓superuser 每次詢問;就可正常使用!就算把superuser app昇級也一樣可以使用!

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...


我也有一支Acer Iconia Smart 300,想要root,不知大大能否提供中文說明或附圖,謝謝..

chiaming37 提到...


匿名 提到...

載點 死了